Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our Newest Member


Baby Samuel Jhane                                                                            Baby Yael     


Sunday Service Grouping- Nov.11,2010

 The Women of ACBM:
          They are currently undergoing counseling sessions every Sunday afternoon. God is doing something during every session. I am very thankful to my teacher Esther Ocampo Salgado who taught me how to counsel people and was very useful in my pastoral ministry.

 Our youth group during bible study:
They are increasing in numbers and was very active and participative in youth activities.

 These are the men of ACBM:
They are very serious in studying the Word of God. Most of them was totally surrender their lives to God including their vices like smoking, drinking and drugs.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bonding Moments




These young people are members of our Praise and Worship Team..


     This is how we study the Bible with young people so they can enjoy reading it.


The view was taken at Caliraya, we always go here to have fellowship and bonding moments.